====== Hasib Longfellow ====== Motivation: Money. Everybody dies sometime. Might as well make a bit of coin informing those whose time is up early. Discretion is paramount.\\ [[..:Attributes]] * Intelligence: 15 (Smart enough) * Brawn: 12 (Hey, I work out) * Resilience: 19 (Unflappable) * Warfare: 40 (Crack shot) * Influence: 16 (I know people) [[..:Gear]] * System: 10 (Optic enhancements) * Outfit: 12 (no-frills defensive) * Cloaking device: 10 * Rail Gun (the Scimitar): 20 * Pump-action Lupara: 4 * "Flintlock" pistol: 6 * The Hat of Betsey Killyourface: 1 * Nano-edged combat knife: 3 [[..:Knacks]]\\ none Has a brother, Faisal, who runs a dry cleaner.